Governemnt Linked-University Sport Days (MMU, UNITEN, UTP)

responsibility and trust given to me by MMU staff club (wellknown as MESRA) to make sure that volleyball team of MMU can fight with 100%. To fight with very high spirit and teamwork between players are the main objectives of this 4 days more big event...

The big event that I want to highlight is Government Link-University Sport Days that will be held at Petronas Technology University (UTP), Tronoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan. I been assigned as coordinator for volleyball team after some technical problem happen to previous coordinator.

In the beginning, I also want to take part to coordinate the team players but a few reasons make me quit. So, after I quit, I planned to make sure the current tournament volleyball that time at Volleyball Court, Prima Avenue, Cyberjaya Selangor that I can play and focus 100%. Besides, I aslo incharge for both MMU teams known as MMU A and MMU B. So, I didn't want anymore involves any news or progress about volleyball team that will send to UTP.
Also, I need to prepare the team for another volleyball tournament which is TM Selangor Volleyball tournament that maybe held end of this June 2009.

But unpredictebly news coming to me where I need to take over and incharge the volleyball team that will be send to UTP. Really, at beginning i feel really quiet burden cause left only 2 weeks more before the event started. But when think again for many reasons, I let myself to take the task that before i don't want anymore to handle.

Now, left 4 more days before the tournament started.. so i hope to all my guest in my blog, please pray to Allah to not give burden to me and let everything that I handle done smoothly... thanks from my bottom of my hearts for your prayer....
