assalammualaikum, i'm glad to be a donor for blood donation program... it was my 18 times when I donate yesterday....

the entrance to donation room - Multipurpose Hall extension (MPH extension)
the donor need to fill up the form before allowed to enter the donation room

the girl donor usually get comforter to cover the body while make donation...
men are strong

the blood tubes from my hand to blood say only 350ml cause I active sport this week with tournament, but the nurse take 450ml....'s ok, man...i'm strong...

done... me just take only 10 minutes... depend on how much you press the rod that gave by nurse to grasp while you make donation.. more fast and strong, more blood flow out from your body...don't believe, you can try a donor...

time to put info to the blood packet after complete the donation...450ml....

still rest for a while before wake up from donation chair.... to make the balance blood inside the body to become balance...if not, you can collapse unconsciousness...

milo drink break with some cookies and restore back energy and fluid in

time to collect the certificate at entrance door before go out....
thank to Red Cresent MMU Cyberjaya for this success event....
watch my video donate the blood