walk and walk to fill my free time..but soon it become quite boring and feel so sleepy just to walk around.... nothing else can be found around and what i can see is similar like before.

then i stop near to HB3 and HB2 hostel, and that time I become so surprise...what make me surprise is what i found which is one mountain bike bicycle blue color at walkway hostel.. not sure belong to whom but i think nobody willing to ride it anymore...
why? you try to imagine if you can ride the bicycle without tire at the back ... how you can move the bike pedals??? I don't know what will happen and what people around you will THINKING about you if you try to ride this bicycle in this condition... they just will think that you are CRAZY or DREAMING in day...??? think about it again...hahahaha....
so to prove to you that i found that bicycle without tire... i post picture that i took by my camera phone... try to look it...so what your comment about it???

then i found one small orange cat sleeping near to carbonate drink machine. because it's was rainy day that morning, this cat try to make the pose body like photo below. Maybe it's the way the cat can increase the body temperature... i wonder what happen to human if sleep during rainy day in the morning... will they do same pose like this cat or another type of pose... think about it for me...hehehe....

so, at the end... i end up sleeping after just walked for a few minutes only...zzzzzzzZZZ.....